NBD Fernandes Atlas

Jan 14, 2007
Greater Knoxville TN
Thanks to Dr. Cheese posting a video of his Atlas, I began a search for one. I wanted a Japanese one in a non common color. Ebay to the rescue.
I have wanted a Sage green bass for some time, now I have both in one bass. Pretty good bass, sounds like a Stingray clone should. (Edit--9lbs 7oz. I need lessons on scale use!) Kinda heavy, 11lbs, and a few ounces.

I'm happy with it!

I know, No pix, no bass.

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Your comment made me re-weigh the Atlas.
Apparently, I don't have a clue how to use a Bakers scale. The scale needs to be "Zero-ed" before using it. My wife weighed the Atlas and it weighed 9lbs 7oz.
I, however, am a kitchen amateur.

Ken R
Sous chef for a day.

Use a bathroom scale. Weight yourself while holding the bass, then without the bass, substract ;-)

Even tho' lately I've gone EBMM for everything I've had 2 Fernandes Gravity Deluxe V basses (one Korean -excellent-, one Chinese -just OK-) and was happy with them for years. I craved for an Atlas too, many times, great bass. How's the neck profile on these? Front to back thickness and to a lesser degree C over D profile are VERY critical to me.
Nice bass! The perloid guard looks sharp.

I like the fact that there are some passive Stringray-ish instruments out there, like the Atlas and now the new G&L Kiloton. They inspired me to passify my Ray clone, and I really like it. How do you like the coil splitting options?