So I've been pondering getting a cheap-ish bass as a modding platform. Found this at a nearby music store for 209.00. ...To be honest, I just think it looks cool. I've seen pictures of these online and thought they were kinda ugly, but something about seeing it in person changed my mind. The tone through the store's amp was "meh", but the guy working there was very kind and willing to do a little bit of work before my purchase (fixing loose knobs, bridge setup) to... gently nudge me in the "right" direction.
It actually sounds decent-ish through my Rumble 40. IMO it plays better than my SR300E out of the box.The action is actually already set way lower than my other basses without much buzz, which is nice. It's active, and I'm considering making it passive with, idk, DiMarzios? I have no experience with electronics, but I figure there's always a first time.
It actually sounds decent-ish through my Rumble 40. IMO it plays better than my SR300E out of the box.The action is actually already set way lower than my other basses without much buzz, which is nice. It's active, and I'm considering making it passive with, idk, DiMarzios? I have no experience with electronics, but I figure there's always a first time.