NBD: Klira Twen Star 356 violin bass

After a very long USPS delay (they're doing the best than can, hard with the pandemic), my Klira Twen Star 356 violin bass (1965, made in W. Germany) arrived today! Happy Solstice to me!

This is such a cool bass. Obviously Klira was trying to benefit from the Hofner/Macca bass, and it sure does have that look. It actually reminds me far more of a "made in Germany" Hofner than the Ignitions/Icons I've tried. I think it's beautiful. The pictures (below) don't do it justice.

The best part is, the neck pickup sounds amazing. Wow. One of the best tones I have ever heard from a bass pup to my taste. (The bridge pup is broken, which the seller did disclose). The only thing is, there is a bit of snap/pop. I'm guessing (and hoping) that my favorite luthier can sort that out. But the tone... So sweet.


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