I started playing several years ago with just some random cheap Jackson i found on craigslist. Since developing myself as a player and getting good gigging experience, I have felt the need to upgrade. I have always liked the sound of the P bass and love its meat and potatoes attitude, but I hate the wide necks. I couldnt find a P bass with a J neck that i liked so the only rational option seemed to be the custom route. Ive been researching this build for easily the last year, slowly buying parts that were curated specifically for the aggressive yet vintage sound I wanted to develop.
After a long, stressful, first build experience. (I wasn't emotionally prepared to drill so many holes, each time I pressed the drill to the guitar my stomach dropped.) And some issues with wiring, a pole of my volume pot was touching the the copper shielding on the side so my volume knob was bypassed accidentally. My build is finally complete. Overall it weighs around 9lbs and is just a joy to play. Honestly, I dont know if I will ever want to pick up my Jackson again...
Full build specs:
Body: Warmoth "Screamin Deal", Shoreline Gold, Swamp Ash, P bass Body, 5lb 1oz
Neck: Warmoth Roasted Maple & Rosewood, Jazz neck, Slim Taper, Steel Rods, Stainless Frets.
Pickups: Fender Original 62, vintage tone with some meat behind it.
Tuners: Fender open back lightweight custom shops
Strings: Labella Low Tension Flats
Bridge: Classic Stamped
Total cost was around $700, most of my parts were bought on sale throughout the last year.
Edit: Full Cost Rundown
Body: Screaming Deal, $225
Neck: Full Price, $220
Tuners: Reverb, $73
Pickups: On sale, Amazon, $50
Bridge: Amazon, $13
Strap Locks: Reverb, $14
Pick Guard: Amazon, $11
Electronics (pots, knobs, wire, copper tape): Local Shop, $20
Pickguard Screws: Amazon, $5
Fender Neck Plate: Amazon, $10
Mono Betty Strap: Amazon, $50
LaBella Flats: $43
Total cost: $734, Close to $100 of that was the expensive strap and strings.
Had I used a standard seat-belt strap and Round strings, i could have easily been in the $650 range.
After a long, stressful, first build experience. (I wasn't emotionally prepared to drill so many holes, each time I pressed the drill to the guitar my stomach dropped.) And some issues with wiring, a pole of my volume pot was touching the the copper shielding on the side so my volume knob was bypassed accidentally. My build is finally complete. Overall it weighs around 9lbs and is just a joy to play. Honestly, I dont know if I will ever want to pick up my Jackson again...
Full build specs:
Body: Warmoth "Screamin Deal", Shoreline Gold, Swamp Ash, P bass Body, 5lb 1oz
Neck: Warmoth Roasted Maple & Rosewood, Jazz neck, Slim Taper, Steel Rods, Stainless Frets.
Pickups: Fender Original 62, vintage tone with some meat behind it.
Tuners: Fender open back lightweight custom shops
Strings: Labella Low Tension Flats
Bridge: Classic Stamped
Total cost was around $700, most of my parts were bought on sale throughout the last year.
Edit: Full Cost Rundown
Body: Screaming Deal, $225
Neck: Full Price, $220
Tuners: Reverb, $73
Pickups: On sale, Amazon, $50
Bridge: Amazon, $13
Strap Locks: Reverb, $14
Pick Guard: Amazon, $11
Electronics (pots, knobs, wire, copper tape): Local Shop, $20
Pickguard Screws: Amazon, $5
Fender Neck Plate: Amazon, $10
Mono Betty Strap: Amazon, $50
LaBella Flats: $43
Total cost: $734, Close to $100 of that was the expensive strap and strings.
Had I used a standard seat-belt strap and Round strings, i could have easily been in the $650 range.
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