View attachment 4135787 ...until I saw this guy I never guessed for an Ibanez. I am more in the Fender and fenderish realm. But searching for vintage Japanese copies with non so specific keywords this ‘81 Ibanez Roadster RS942 came out. I found myself a few days later thinking about it and searching for informations and demos. And so it was my birthday, and so was Xmas and it was there, apparently waiting for me. The guys who sold it to me is a very nice guy, I had it for a fair price, and long story short, here it is in my hands. Very quick review after the first few notes played on it:
- astonishing beautiful and well constructed
- heavy as hell, 5,44 Kg, but very well balanced
- lovely chunky neck
- 24 frets
- huge, huge, huge sound especially from the P pickup
- hot, super high output even in passive mode
- tone knob (in passive) that really does something
- in active mode bass boost could tear down a wall, high boost not too harsh, output, hotter than hell.
I’m happy.