I was excited when I learned Sire was making a 5 string P bass- I love my MIJ Squier P bass, but it’s the only 4 string bass I play regularly. I decided to get a Sire and ordered one October. Initially, it was to be delivered in mid-December. Then January…then February…then they’re hoping March…
Tuesday, I canceled the order and instead bought this Yamaha 435, which I received today (it’s still in the box, so this is the photo of the bass provided by Sweetwater).
I think I’ll be plenty happy with this decision - what do you think?
Tuesday, I canceled the order and instead bought this Yamaha 435, which I received today (it’s still in the box, so this is the photo of the bass provided by Sweetwater).
I think I’ll be plenty happy with this decision - what do you think?