Hi! I recently bought a used Ibanez btb845v and am having a difficult time achieving reasonably low action without unreasonably loud fret buzz (across strings and from the middle frets to where the neck joins the body; the first and last few frets are buzz free).
I have been setting up my own instruments for at least a decade and usually have an easy time with it, but this one is making me sweat! Do any setup procedures or tips differ for neck-thru instruments? This is my first neck-thru...
For example, to set relief, I typically slap a capo across the 1st fret, depress with my finger the fret where the neck joins the body, and measure the gap in between with feeler gauges, noting the largest gap across frets as my relief measurement. With this bass, the neck joins the body at a very high fret and I'm wondering if that is throwing me off. It sure seems like a relief issue but I've tried adjusting the neck all ways (the truss rod seems to work fine) and the buzz doesn't get much better. Any advice would be most welcome! Thanks
I have been setting up my own instruments for at least a decade and usually have an easy time with it, but this one is making me sweat! Do any setup procedures or tips differ for neck-thru instruments? This is my first neck-thru...
For example, to set relief, I typically slap a capo across the 1st fret, depress with my finger the fret where the neck joins the body, and measure the gap in between with feeler gauges, noting the largest gap across frets as my relief measurement. With this bass, the neck joins the body at a very high fret and I'm wondering if that is throwing me off. It sure seems like a relief issue but I've tried adjusting the neck all ways (the truss rod seems to work fine) and the buzz doesn't get much better. Any advice would be most welcome! Thanks