Double Bass Need 1st Hand Advice on 7/8 Krutz Bag

I have a Krutz 300 7/8 bass with gamba corners. The bag it came with is too small. I have all of the dimensions, and can theoretically compare to dimensions given on the internet for various bags...but would much prefer, if there are any other 7/8 Krutz owners out there that could tell me what they have that definitely fits.

I've certainly used "the search function" but to no avail.


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Answer for future searchers. My bass measures 74" tall, with 29" heel to scroll. Lower bout is 27", upper is 21 inches. Ribs are tapered up to 8-3/4 inches. The back of the (not flat) back at its highest point to the highest point of the bridge is 16 1/2". I bought a Bobelock 7/8 case and if it fits well. Just a tiny bit of room here and there. It's not "snug" anywhere, but I wouldn't want the bag to be any smaller.
I have the same Krutz 300 7/8 Gamba. However, the bag I received is probably a 4/4 size - it's too big. I also have a Guardian 7/8th that fits it well, but I don't like the bag (not enough grab handles, no large rear pocket, backpack straps and no single shoulder strap, goofy zipper placement to me).

Funny though, my Krutz just does barely fit in my Bobelock 3/4 bag - a snug fit, but it does fit. I like the Bobelock, but would want a lighter weight bag in the future.