I've been a strictly 5 and 6 string player for years and with my preference of 35" scale and at least 18mm string spacing my choices have always been far more limited.
Now I'm looking at a 4 banger to keep in Eb/Drop C# and I don't know what to do with all the choices. Not terribly picky on body shape or neck shape on 4 strings. Just don't like giant bodies or giant necks nor do I love glossy necks. String spacing on 4's tend to be fairly standard so I'm fine there. The more tone shaping options the better, so I prefer active.
Tone Wise as long as it is clear and "aggressive" i'm good.
Aggressive Jazz ala Geddy
Aggressive P ala a lot of the Punk genre at large
Aggressive PJ ala Robert DeLeo or Geezer
Aggressive Humbuckers sure, I love that gnarly Wal tone in particular.
I play in a 90's cover band currently. Covering everything from metal to reggae inspired, but largely centered around the Alternative sub genre. I find that I can tame an aggressive tone monster more easily than I can make a polite bass bark and cut through two distorted guitars.
So here I sit with a couple of options and not sure which way to go:
G&L L2000
G&L M2000
Sire M7
The higher end Warwick Rockbass series Streamer or Corvette.
Ibanez SR?
Ibanez BTB?
Would love to stay under $700 new or used.
Any thoughts? I'm just kinda thinking out loud here.
Now I'm looking at a 4 banger to keep in Eb/Drop C# and I don't know what to do with all the choices. Not terribly picky on body shape or neck shape on 4 strings. Just don't like giant bodies or giant necks nor do I love glossy necks. String spacing on 4's tend to be fairly standard so I'm fine there. The more tone shaping options the better, so I prefer active.
Tone Wise as long as it is clear and "aggressive" i'm good.
Aggressive Jazz ala Geddy
Aggressive P ala a lot of the Punk genre at large
Aggressive PJ ala Robert DeLeo or Geezer
Aggressive Humbuckers sure, I love that gnarly Wal tone in particular.
I play in a 90's cover band currently. Covering everything from metal to reggae inspired, but largely centered around the Alternative sub genre. I find that I can tame an aggressive tone monster more easily than I can make a polite bass bark and cut through two distorted guitars.
So here I sit with a couple of options and not sure which way to go:
G&L L2000
G&L M2000
Sire M7
The higher end Warwick Rockbass series Streamer or Corvette.
Ibanez SR?
Ibanez BTB?
Would love to stay under $700 new or used.
Any thoughts? I'm just kinda thinking out loud here.