Need a cab. Should I get an Orange OBC-112 or a Fender Rumble 115 v3?

Need a cab. Should I get an Orange OBC-112 or a Fender Rumble 115 v3?

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I know this may seem like a weird question as they are two very different cabs, but there is a reason to this dilemma.

Also, I read the countless threads dedicated to a cab or the other but it didn't bring any settlement for my peculiar situation.

I used to own a Fender Bassman TV Fifteen and got rid of it when it became clear at the time that it was more lying there collecting dust than being played. I didn't take it to venues because they usually have their own backline, and - as I'm a public transportation guy - I often lacked the motivation to carry its 30 kgs by myself.
Now that I'm playing in a band again and that I'm gonna need an amp for recording sessions, but also for rehearsals and in case a venue doesn't have its own backline, I'm trying to think more efficiently about the use I'll have of it.

To give a little more details, I play in a psychedelic post-rock band with two guitars, a drummer and a cello. So think riff-oriented finger-played low overdriven bass sound and long moments of drones and feedback. I play with an Epiphone Jack Casady and an EBS ValveDrive that is constently on for the overdrive.
Both of the guitarists play on Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb amps, and even though we play quite loud, it seems they keep the wattage down.

Regarding the head, I own an Ampeg PF-350 that I mostly use at home with headphones for now.
I was thinking of getting an Orange Terror Bass head, but as I never tried the Ampeg in a cab, maybe once I try it, I can save myself a new head.

Anyway, the reason of my hesitation between the Orange OBC-112 and the Fender Rumble 115 v3 is that they both are the lightest / cheapest within their respective categories.

As I said, the 1x15" Bassman combo that I owned was really troublesome because of its size and its weight. Plus, I have the feeling that it was a bit of an overkill as I never had to push its 350W's Gain and Volume knobs more than 11 even when playing with a band.
All of these elements lead me to think that I could go with a 1x12" cab with my head that delivers 250W instead.
But you can read around that a single 1x12" would apparently be too weak to handle a whole band playing (I mostly think of rehearsals here as most live configurations will have a PA) and most people go with a pair of them.
I don’t have the budget to buy two cabs for now, so if it is indeed too weak, I'll go straight with the 1x15" Fender cab instead.
Did anyone ever try to jam a single 1x12" with a full band?

To sum-up what opposes them in my head:
- The 1x12" Orange would be such a relief as it's really light and easy to carry, but would it be loud enough for a whole band? I love feeling a 1x15" blowing air behind my back, but if an 1x12" can be sufficient, I wouldn't hesitate. (11 kg for the 1x12" Orange vs 18 kg for the 1x15" Fender) ;
- The Orange seems to be of a better built than the Fender ;
- The Orange is also about a hundred euros more expensive.

I know the best would be to try before buying obviously, but since I'll probably go for used cabinets, there is no 30-days trial or refunds. That's why I'm looking forward to various experiences you could share about such a configuration if you ever used one.
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I’m a public transport guy, too, and that’s the main reason I went with a pair of OBC 112 to go with my Terror Bass, rather than brand loyalty. One of them is plenty loud in my secondary, grunge-to-metal-covers band with one (very loud) guitar player. And it's sort of easy to transport.


(below to top: OBC 112 in neoprene cover, gig box with cables, strings, DI etc. / used as a speaker stand after setup. Pedal board bag, hat, camera bag. Not in image: Terror Bass in its gig bag, Bass in its gig bag.)

I like the OBC 112 and am glad I got a pair. They are very loud for their size, have a surprising amount of low-end even if singled, and I just like their tone. I don’t care for cabs with tweeters, the OBC 112 delivers the kind of old-fashioned sound I enjoy.

That said, you know what they say – “light-weight, reasonably priced, loud: pick two.” The OBC 112 is light and easy to move, it’s plenty loud – but has considerable vibration issues due to its comparatively cheap construction with only little bracing and light-weight materials. You'll probably need something between your cab(s) and amp to make sure it doesn’t vibrate off the stack. For the Terror Bass, I found a towel to be enough, but your mileage may vary.

Still, they’re robust and still look like new, almost two years in. And still deliver what I bought them for. If weight / public transport weren’t an issue, mind, I’d have gone with one or two OBC 115 instead.
I have played many gigs with a 112 (a Berg CN) and rehearse regularly with it. Don’t have any experience with Orange but have used the Fenders, they are good, especially for the price but for portability you may look at some of the higher end cabs, Barefaced, Berg, etc. you can get light, loud and low but the price goes up. I have a Barefaced One 10, you should look at their cabs. Would be helpful if you indicated where you live.
I’m a public transport guy, too, and that’s the main reason I went with a pair of OBC 112 to go with my Terror Bass, rather than brand loyalty. One of them is plenty loud in my secondary, grunge-to-metal-covers band with one (very loud) guitar player. And it's sort of easy to transport.

Thank you for your message. I remember reading some of your comments on an other thread where you specificaly addressed the question of portability in public transportation.
I'm glad to read that you can actually jam with a single one within a loud band and that it still delivers.
I'm not against the idea of getting a pair of them at some point later in case of need, but as it's not an option within my budget right now, I really wanted to know if I could go with a single one for a while without the frustration of the bad good idea bought too fast.

(below to top: OBC 112 in neoprene cover, gig box with cables, strings, DI etc. / used as a speaker stand after setup. Pedal board bag, hat, camera bag. Not in image: Terror Bass in its gig bag, Bass in its gig bag.)

I like the cart, I was thinking of going with my own two hands only, but that looks even smoother to carry that way.

If weight / public transport weren’t an issue, mind, I’d have gone with one or two OBC 115 instead.

When the idea of going with a 1x15" nonetheless came to me, I checked the Orange OBC-115, but nearly 30 kgs was a big no for me. I still have some trauma from the Bassman combo. That's why I turned to the Fender is only 18 kgs.

Thanks again for all these details!
I have played many gigs with a 112 (a Berg CN) and rehearse regularly with it. Don’t have any experience with Orange but have used the Fenders, they are good, especially for the price but for portability you may look at some of the higher end cabs, Barefaced, Berg, etc. you can get light, loud and low but the price goes up. I have a Barefaced One 10, you should look at their cabs. Would be helpful if you indicated where you live.

Thank you! That's nice to hear you can jam with a 1x12"! I guess I had a hunch to question the "always bigger" mentality of internet bass players! :-)
I'm from Paris, France, and I never saw a Barefaced nor a Berg amp on this side of the globe. I'll check online, but it doesn't seem like they're very well distributed here. Thanks for the tip on the One 10 anyway! :-)
When you mention the Fenders, you mean the Rumble 112? That was an idea as well, but as the Orange is lighter, I set my mind on it (in contrary, if I go with a 1x15", the Fender is lighter than the Orange, so that's the one I would pick).
I like the cart, I was thinking of going with my own two hands only, but that looks even smoother to carry that way.
Just realised the Terror Bass is on the cart, too. Behind the pedal board bag, close to the handles. Crazy how much fits on that cart. With my current gig bag, I could probably drop the gig box, instead add a light-weight speaker stand, and save another ~10 lbs or so.

Speaking of which, the cart’s a Wolfcraft TS 850: 850-Transport-System/p/P_5501

I’d have preferred air tires and was actually unsure whether the solid tires would work out. But so far, 21 months in, it’s still going strong. And can fold up for easy storage, too. Its shovel thingy is easily large enough for a 115 speaker, too. I actually moved a 118 PA sub with it once, worked fine.
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The short answer is you never really know what works till you try. But…

Kinda comparing apples to oranges here (pun intended) but I have 2 Markbass 12” cabs and I’m surprised by how often I can get by with 1. I like taking the 1 when I can (which is often) and I’d rather move 2 smaller cabs than 1 big one when I need more.

A few details in your post push me towards recommending trying the Orange 12: A) using it for mostly recording and rehearsals, and the gigs seem to be backlined and/or with PA support, B) you feeling like the Bassman 15 might have been overkill, and C) portability seems to be important.

good luck!
Kinda comparing apples to oranges here (pun intended) but I have 2 Markbass 12” cabs and I’m surprised by how often I can get by with 1. I like taking the 1 when I can (which is often) and I’d rather move 2 smaller cabs than 1 big one when I need more.

Thank you for your comeback regarding the single 1x12"!
From what I read, it seems like a recurrent opinion that the Orange cab is surprisingly loud for a cab this size, so if you can go with a single 1x12" Markbass, I presume I'll be safe with one that has a louder reputation somehow (not belittling the Markbass, just assuming that the "surprisingly loud" opinion relates to other cabs, hence the comparision :)).

A few details in your post push me towards recommending trying the Orange 12: A) using it for mostly recording and rehearsals, and the gigs seem to be backlined and/or with PA support, B) you feeling like the Bassman 15 might have been overkill, and C) portability seems to be important.

Exactly! My only concern that pushed me to elaborate a plan B was solely the so-said lack of loudness issue, but it seems that a lot of people go with a single 1x12" without any problem, so I guess I'm good to go!

Thanks a lot for your comeback and advices!
I have been wondering about the Eden EX112

I read a few reviews as well, and it seems like users are really satisfied with it! The 4 ohm version is quite a nice take also!

But I have yet to try the 115 alone, it's a bit wide in foot print.

I personally like to use a 1x15" alone. That's also why, when downsizing, I'd rather go with a 1x12" than a 2x10" or so.
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Second what @CallMeAl says about the MarkBass 112s being sufficient to gig with. I have a (mismatched) pair of them, and either on its own is fine, and both together is righteous!

I use a mk.I Orange Terror Bass, and can fit my entire rig on a handcart as well. Cab, head, pedals, cables all fit on the cart, and then it's just the bass on my back. Very easy to use on public transport, which is how I generally get around for in-city gigs. The whole cart, fully loaded, is probably just over 50lbs, and I only occasionally have to hoof it up or down a set of stairs in subway stations; mostly it's just being walked around without an issue.

The Fender cabs are also surprisingly loud, though I have no direct experience with either the two cabs you are specifically looking at, OP. Without doing any further research of my own, I'd probably recommend the Orange at this moment in time
Second what @CallMeAl says about the MarkBass 112s being sufficient to gig with. I have a (mismatched) pair of them, and either on its own is fine, and both together is righteous!

Nice! That's really reassuring to read about people rocking a single 1x12". That's nowhere to be found on all reviews I read and that lead me to reconsider what to get.
How is the mismatching going actually? At some point, I thought that if I ever need a second cab and that transportation stop being an issue, I might as well go with the 1x15" to get along the 1x12".

I use a mk.I Orange Terror Bass, and can fit my entire rig on a handcart as well. Cab, head, pedals, cables all fit on the cart, and then it's just the bass on my back. Very easy to use on public transport, which is how I generally get around for in-city gigs. The whole cart, fully loaded, is probably just over 50lbs, and I only occasionally have to hoof it up or down a set of stairs in subway stations; mostly it's just being walked around without an issue.

This is so cool! I have my mind set on the Terror Bass as well, it looks so convenient! Can't wait to go all-terrain with my gear! :laugh:

Thank you so much for your comeback!
Fender Rumble 115 v3 is all you need. Cheaper, lighter and flaps your pantlegs. Also comes with removable casters.

Thanks for your comeback and for being the voice of the opposition! :D

If I could, I'd really go with a 1x15" (or even more) without a single worry, but my top priority here is really the weight of the thing. That's why the lighter 1x12" Orange had an advantage. My only concern was about its loudness.
The thing I like/notice about my Markbass is that it retains clarity and integrity when pushed. It has a sensitivity rating of 99dB, and looks like the speaker in the Orange does as well. Speaker efficiency and cab build quality was not really something that crossed my mind in my first post but I think it’s a factor here. There’s a reason the Orange costs more.
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Nice! That's really reassuring to read about people rocking a single 1x12". That's nowhere to be found on all reviews I read and that lead me to reconsider what to get.
How is the mismatching going actually? At some point, I thought that if I ever need a second cab and that transportation stop being an issue, I might as well go with the 1x15" to get along the 1x12".

Don't want to appear misleading about the "mismatch"; it's the NY121 and Traveler 121. They both have the identical speaker, and power rating, but the Traveler is a little deeper and taller, so it can go just a little bit more into sub territory than the smaller NY. So they are technically not a "matched" set of cabs, but they are pretty dang close, IMHO.

This is so cool! I have my mind set on the Terror Bass as well, it looks so convenient! Can't wait to go all-terrain with my gear! :laugh:

Thank you so much for your comeback!

My pleasure! The Terror is a great head that's been with me for nearly 10 years. The EQ isn't super duper flexible, but it delivers a great overall tone despite that. Very happy with it!