Need help deciding- Berg? TecAmp? Other?

Which cab

  • Bergantino NV212

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • TecAmp S212

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Mesa Subway 1x15

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Carrots

    Votes: 6 15.0%

  • Total voters


If that’s even my real name..
Supporting Member
Sep 27, 2014
Lahaina, Maui, HI

I play mostly small to mid-sized gigs with a Tone Hammer 500 head. I've never really owned a "nice" speaker cab. I'm mostly looking for full sound with some room for "digging in." Occasionally I use some speaker taxing effects like an octaver, phaser, and the most extreme being a DOD Meatbox so I'm looking for something that can keep up to moderate abuse. Low B friendly is a must obviously. That's why I'm leaning towards a few ceramic speaker cabs.

TecAmp S212?
Bergantino VN212T?

Previously I was almost sold on 2x Mesa Subway 15's.

I do currently own a Glasstone Lil G (2x12) which isn't bad but not quite big enough for certain gigs. It can be run as an 8 ohm 1x12, therefore I'm thinking about getting an 8 ohm 2x12 so I can use the Glasstone as an extension on bigger gigs. 1x Mesa Subway 15 would also be an option to use with the Glasstone.

My main question is if the TecAmp is comparable to the highly acclaimed Berg. (BTW I'm not located in an area I can test any of them out). Anything you guys have to share is much appreciated! Other recommendations welcome too. (The price is right on the TecAmp and the Berg is about $300 more)

I play mostly small to mid-sized gigs with a Tone Hammer 500 head. I've never really owned a "nice" speaker cab. I'm mostly looking for full sound with some room for "digging in." Occasionally I use some speaker taxing effects like an octaver, phaser, and the most extreme being a DOD Meatbox so I'm looking for something that can keep up to moderate abuse. Low B friendly is a must obviously. That's why I'm leaning towards a few ceramic speaker cabs.

Why do you think a ceramic would be better for this?

Have you investigated power handling (both thermal and mechanical) and what that really means? There are some good discussions here on TB that might help you understand more about this topic and make a more informed decision.

Is weight important to your needs?
What you're not liking in neo cabs is the voicing of the cab not the magnet. Replacing a stolen Bag End 1x15 I ended up with a ceramic magnet Berg NV115 but the neo loaded Mesa Subway was a cab I would have been very happy with. If I'd been looking for two speakers the much lighter more compact Mesa would have won out. Sorry I can't tell you anything about the TecAmp stuff other than I've never used or even seen any that I recall. Since you're going to buy without trying think very carefully about about resale value.
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Adding to Jeff's comments, I strongly urge players like you to actually get out and try the cabinets you are contemplating, as well as others that perhaps you hadn't considered. There's nothing better than choosing a cabinet that actually fits your tastes than just guessing or taking other player's word for something. Their tastes might be very different from yours.
Adding to Jeff's comments, I strongly urge players like you to actually get out and try the cabinets you are contemplating, as well as others that perhaps you hadn't considered. There's nothing better than choosing a cabinet that actually fits your tastes than just guessing or taking other player's word for something. Their tastes might be very different from yours.

I wish I could do this. I live on an island. There are no dealers selling high end bass cabinets here. I’m depending on advice from people who have heard in person because that’s not an option for me.

To address your comments regarding neo vs ceramic, I own a ceramic Eden 2x10 cabinet now, and it sounds pretty poopy, and my neo Lil G Browns it away. And yes weight is a bit of a factor, but 70 lbs wouldn’t make the Berg out of the question. As for this purchase, I’m going off advice from friends who have told me the ceramic Bergs handle lows better than the neos, and TecAmp switched from neos to ceramics in the S212 for better low end according to their spiel.

I REALLY wish I could try the Subway 1x15 out with my Glasstone, or 2 1x15s stacked. Honestly when it comes to reviews that sounds like what I’m after, but I’m having trouble taking people’s word on the 15s. For example I also own an Avatar 1x15 neo cab and that can’t handle anything on its own. It’s 400 watts. It can’t even handle much in tandem with my other cabs.
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Let me put it to you this way...I’ve owned 3 15” cabinets in my lifetime. Both ceramics and neos. Some were better than others but none were anywhere near what I’m hearing about the Subway 15. Still, I’m forced to buy sight unseen.
I wish I could do this. I live on an island. There are no dealers selling high end bass cabinets here. I’m depending on advice from people who have heard in person because that’s not an option for me.

To address your comments regarding neo vs ceramic, I own a ceramic Eden 2x10 cabinet now, and it sounds pretty poopy, and my neo Lil G Browns it away. And yes weight is a bit of a factor, but 70 lbs wouldn’t make the Berg out of the question. As for this purchase, I’m going off advice from friends who have told me the ceramic Bergs handle lows better than the neos, and TecAmp switched from neos to ceramics in the S212 for better low end according to their spiel.

I REALLY wish I could try the Subway 1x15 out with my Glasstone, or 2 1x15s stacked. Honestly when it comes to reviews that sounds like what I’m after, but I’m having trouble taking people’s word on the 15s. For example I also own an Avatar 1x15 neo cab and that can’t handle anything on its own. It’s 400 watts. It can’t even handle much in tandem with my other cabs.

Don’t assume that all 115’s sound like an Avatar 15. Mesa Subway 115’s are in a completely different world.
Don’t assume that all 115’s sound like an Avatar 15. Mesa Subway 115’s are in a completely different world.

Sounds like they have plenty of low end. The 15s I've played through get a bit lost in the mix up high on the neck or when using harmonics or chordal type licks, how do the Subway 15s fare in this dept? Also, is one alone enough for moderate gigs or do they need to be used together?
There have been different versions, but the TecAmp S212 (perhaps also an Eich 212) is an excellent cab. Very nice, portable form factor. It's not a very colored cab, and there's a range of pre-set tweeter tones from no tweeter to clean to aggressive. Never had a problem getting a good tone out of the one I had (which I've since sold cuz I'm a GASer, but I believe had rear porting). That said, can't go wrong with pretty much any Berg cab, but there are differences that may or may not match up with your tone goals.
Sounds like you want a 212, which is probably a good idea for versatility. Duke of Audiokinesis makes great cabs that are versatile and can handle plenty of juice. You might be able to get away with just one of his cabs (say, a Hathor 1203T (T for tall, which has more low end extension)), or either his TC212 (studio monitor clean) or Hathor 212 (paper cone mid driver with switches in back for different frequencies and grind). There are other 212's, but I really like Duke's cabs. Good luck, DM
Sounds like they have plenty of low end. The 15s I've played through get a bit lost in the mix up high on the neck or when using harmonics or chordal type licks, how do the Subway 15s fare in this dept? Also, is one alone enough for moderate gigs or do they need to be used together?

The Subway 15 excels at chordal stuff and harmonics. I’ve not heard a cab that can do better. And of course it has a huge low end as well. Plenty enough output for small gigs by itself. You won’t find a single woofer cab with more output. You can handle outdoor gigs with two of them.
I have two of the Tecamp S212 cabs (though I seldom use both). I absolutely love the cab, smooth even sound, decent weight and it's been bulletproof for hundreds of gigs. The rear porting real shines when playing against a wall, it really fills the stage. I can't say enough about these cabs. But as stated above, it is nice to try one on for yourself before buying one (as it is for ANY music gear).

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I currently have the HDN cabs, but I've owned several Tecamp cabs in the past couple of years. I've owned about 7 Tecamp cabs.

How do the TecAmps stack up to the Berg? Yes I’ve considered the HDN series but from what I’ve heard the NV slams a bit harder, and the price difference is more about high end components and weight reduction than actual sound (they’re about $300 less and saving money would be great)
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