Need help deciding on major/career

Oct 20, 2013
Ok, I recently turned 20 and I took this spring semester off from school after attending the university of Pittsburgh (Pitt) for 1.5 semesters. I'm a good student but I really have no clue on what I want to major in or "what I want to do." I definitely want to get a degree and I'm gonna go back in the fall. I have no interest in sitting behind a desk all day and I enjoy the outdoors. I also like working with numbers and stats. It's been very stressful hearing from everyone I know saying "what are you gonna do with your life?" just like that twisted sister music video. I need some advice fellow talkbassers.
The average person in college changes their major at least once. You are not in a unique position. Relax.

Suggestion. There likely is a career services office at your college, and I assume there are similar services - that's part of what you/your parents' money is supporting. Make an appointment with them (speak with your RA to find out what else is available at your school). Reach out to those at your school who can help out.
I sat behind a desk for 16 years. I thought that's what I was destined for the rest of my working career. I thought that's what my college degree was good for. After getting laid off during the last economic downturn, I eventually went to work for a big box home improvement retailer and found out that I actually really like working in lumber & building materials. Looking back on it all, I wish I hadn't gone to college at all, and instead wish I had gone for a career in a skilled trade. I would have made more money, and been way happier in my life not being chained to a desk all day.

You don't need a college degree to be a huge success in life! Do you have any idea how much money skilled tradesmen make? This country is also in dire need of people in the skilled trades because the vast majority of them are approaching retirement age, and the drum beat from society over the last 20 years or so has been, "Go to college, go to college." There's not enough people to replace the ones that are retiring. Check out the Mike Rowe Works foundation. They offer scholarships for people going in to the skilled trades: Profoundly Disconnected
I have plenty of academic credentials, but that hasn't prevented the need for a complete reinvention every so often. Your college major isn't a sentence or even much of an indication of what you will end up doing. And, the chances that you will do the same thing for an entire career is about zero for most people.

Moral of this story is to major in something you like and that you will work hard and do well at. What follows is whatever will follow.
Sociology with a focus on statistics and analysis might be up your alley. I remember the job prospects were GREAT when I graduated in 2013. I hated numbers so I didn't focus on that, but I wish I had.
You could join the military. I always liked that I didn't have to worry about what I was doing with my life, because for those 3 years. I was in the military. Never regretted my military service.

Ditto on this one. The ASVAB will figure out what your skillset is & place you in a proper discipline/trade. Also, if the military isn't for you, you can leave at the end of your term & pursue a diploma with G.I. Bill money.
Alternative questions to ask:
What are you good at?
What could you do all day every day and not get bored doing?
Do you need something that you can "leave at the office" or "leave at the shop"--or do you mind if the lines between work and leisure get blurred somewhat?
I sat behind a desk for 16 years. I thought that's what I was destined for the rest of my working career. I thought that's what my college degree was good for. After getting laid off during the last economic downturn, I eventually went to work for a big box home improvement retailer and found out that I actually really like working in lumber & building materials. Looking back on it all, I wish I hadn't gone to college at all, and instead wish I had gone for a career in a skilled trade. I would have made more money, and been way happier in my life not being chained to a desk all day.

You don't need a college degree to be a huge success in life! Do you have any idea how much money skilled tradesmen make? This country is also in dire need of people in the skilled trades because the vast majority of them are approaching retirement age, and the drum beat from society over the last 20 years or so has been, "Go to college, go to college." There's not enough people to replace the ones that are retiring. Check out the Mike Rowe Works foundation. They offer scholarships for people going in to the skilled trades: Profoundly Disconnected
Anecdotal, and not necessarily good advice in general.