Need help picking out a new cab

Jul 19, 2008
So my current rig is a SVT-7PRO into an Ampeg 6x10 which I love. But I am going to be joining in with an acoustic gig with a drummer. I am looking for a smaller/lighter cab to bring to these smaller shows instead of lugging the overkill of a 6x10 around for this. These will be medium sized bar gigs.
Yeah a budget will help is narrow it down for you. Simply saying "smaller and lighter" leaves us hundreds of options from dirt cheap used stuff to well over a grand cabs.
I have thought about picking up a combo but I really enjoy my head and the rest of my rack so would prefer to use it.
Would you prefer a 4x10, 2x10, 2x12?

Didn't go to any of the 1x just due to you using a head that can crank a lot of power.
Even if you intentionally do not dime it, if it gets dimed at least a pair of speakers would likely handle it better until you find the knob.
Plus the extra headroom from a more-than-one-speaker cab might be nice.