Negotiations worth it?

If the tone is sweet would you purchase?

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So it's been roughly a week and a half and this process started with negotiations between three Fender Precision bass owners. Anyways to make a long story short I finally decided it has come down to one particular base because I was able to go in on a price down to $290. My question to you all is that you do you believe I coming out on top in the deal.

It's a P-bass, made in mexico, 2003-2004 models. It has two paint chips the owner states bottom chip from sometime on the road, chip in middle- mic stand knocked into it during recording. Thoughts comments concerns? Much appreciated.
It's decent price. Personally unless it played like butter I wouldn't pay more than $200 for a P that was damaged like that. As someone else said, it's not like P's are rare.
The way the belly cut is painted black like that makes me think it might be a plywood body, (they usually do that to cover the plys) which means it may be a cheap body with a MIM Fender neck.
If cost is your criteria then you didn't come out on top. IMHO, feel, sound and looks are much more important than saving a few dollars.
The other basses we similar (MIM) with slight differences. Like year. One had a mint pickguard and another the only difference was EMG pups at 375$. I'm assuming if all things equally I'm winning out saving a few bucks. Just being economically. Believe me I know about tone and feel which is why a posses a Squier V string modified deluxe. It beat out a ton of other basses. Just looking to finally add The P thump to my repertoire. I'm not sure I can justify purchasing an Am STD yet.
Hey, if you like the feel and tone at least the chips aren't where you have to see them. I paid $300 for a like new '08 with a hard case to give you some perspective on the price, but I wouldn't expect much below $250 if it plays well. Check for dead spots!

I put a set of LaBella Deep Talkin flats and a tort guard on mine (it's solid black) and it sounds amazing - which is really a drag because it's 9 1/2 pounds and I want something lighter, but can't find anything that sounds as good. I know, first world problem, and yes I'm going to the gym so as not wuss out about it.
Plenty of MIMs out there. And IMO the Badass bridge is admired out of all proportion to what it brings to the party. I used to put a BA-II on every Fender I ever owned until I realized it didn't anywhere near justify the additional expense. (YMMV on that.)

I'd probably keep looking unless (as others have said) it plays like a dream and speaks to you when you play it. Because there's always the chance it's one of those very "special" Fenders you find from time to time. If it turns out it is one of those, just buy it and take it home. When you find a really good Fender, you do whatever you reasonably need to do to make it your own.

Luck! :thumbsup:
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