So I have played out three times with this amp in very different venues with varying results.
The first was a dance party gig; funk band onstage with vocalist and horns. We ran the set beforehand, and the amp did amazing. The four button switch rejected the right angle plug that connected it so the the expression pedal, more than once I had to reseat the cable. The pedal has a startup that only takes a moment, but its a notable one and it reminds me of another thing to note; this amp has a startup time that you will have to adjust to if this series or life with tube amps are unfamiliar to you. The startup process mute the amp fully so if they are calling for an encore, sprint to the amp and then spark up the conversation. Patchwise, I was mostly toggling between two tones, Motown and Give It Away Now, and they sounded great. The toggling was not as great. Halfway through our set, the pedal stops switching effects. its clearly still connected, but there is no response. It was frustrating but I lived to play another gig.
The second playing out I did with this amp was in a medium sized church. I skipped the pedals entirely since I was so close to the amp for this event and the pedals failed me last time. The sound was amazing. The only trouble I had was trying to find the right volume for the playing with a piano and drums without over powering everything. Otherwise the amp performed flawlessly. I just left it running through the service, since I didn't wan't to be caught waiting for the screen to load.
The last gig was an outdoor reggae gig; no stage, covered, in the alcove of a food truck park. Great sound. I tried using the pedals again and, aside from briefly getting stuck on the tuning screen no matter how long the button was held, I had no problems to report.
Maybe I have bad cable, but he pedal's performance left a bit to be desired. The amp sounded great, But I hope for a firmware update that will resolve some of these problems.