new band & management/promo co.


Feb 17, 2002
Mountain Top, PA
they get gigs for you and the cost includes ads in the weekender (which is a listing of things to do in the area). they get you into all the bigger clubs and stuff which is cool. the only thing is they don't care whether or not you can actually play an instrument. you need to look the part moreso than fill the part... do you have the rockstar attitude to play to Pennsylvania's masses? needless to say i have mixed emotions on this. any one else run into this kind of thing??? :rolleyes:
no it's strictly a local company that we will be signing up with, as is the weekender. we haven't gone with them yet but we are most likely going to...

the integrity of it all kind of pisses me off as well as having to do some songs i really hate, but it will be steady pay and gigs which is a great benefit. i do all the booking/promotion/advertising for my other band (nothing on a huge scale) and it can be a major pain in the rump. :mad: