New cab coming! Phil Jones C4!

Got it, played it with my Bugera Veyron M. Here are some thoughts.

It's smaller than I imagined!

The cabinet is quieter than I hoped for. I feel like it would not stand up to a loud drummer on it's own. Recently, I've been gigging with a single GK CX115 (a 200 watt 8 ohm cabinet,) I was hoping the available volume would be on par with that. I may be wrong but I'm going to try it. I have two Riverboat deck gigs coming up and it would be great if this little guy could handle it.

It needs to be connected to the floor. When on the floor the low end was great. The highs are clear, just different from a separate horn. I did use it with the CX115 and it sounded pretty cool.
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