New for 2017 - Mooer Tender MKII

Tender Octaver mkII

I'm really curious how it compares to the original. I have the Pro version and used to have the mk I, I wonder how much they had to retool the algorthm and tracking. The analog dry-thru is a nice touch though.
I have one on the way. Big shout out to Mooer/Osiamo - months ago I sent them my Tender Octaver (mk 1) that wasn't working. They offered to either give me a credit or to send me the Mk II if I was willing to wait. I was entirely willing to wait.
And they just sent me notice that it shipped. :hyper::hyper:

I'll do my best to post a review when it arrives. I have another Tender Mk I and an OC-2 so I can do a bit of a shootout.
Love my Tender. Who carries these here in the States?

I don’t think the mkII has been fully released yet, but hopefully most of the major retailers will have them.
You can find the Pro version on Amazon, that’s where I got mine. Pretty cool, though I imagine it’s similar to the mkII
Just got mine.
Will compare mk1, mk2, and OC-2.

Anyone have any settings they particularly want to hear? I'll try all 3 voicings on the mk2.
The TO and Pro are different. It didn’t strike me when I first got the Pro, but it does now that I can compare it directly with the original.
The TO’s upper octave is brighter than the Pro’s, even with its tone control all the way up. The Pro has more of a mid-heavy sound, the original has more top end sparkle. I like the tone of the Pro a bit more, but the tracking on the original is slightly better.

The dry signal on the Pro is one of the pedal’s cons. It sounds a bit digitized and actually seems like the headroom is a bit low; there is some minor distortion but it’s low enough that you might only hear it with headphones (that’s what I was using.)
The original’s dry signal sounds way better, no question.

The sub octave is where the biggest differences reside. The original sounds worlds better, both in tracking and overall tone. The Pro actually seems like it struggles with certain notes (open D string, for example) and starts to flub-out as you go lower - the original tracks all the way down to low E without issues.
The Smooth/swell knob on the Pro actually works
really well, to its credit. Lots of usable sounds throughout its range.

Really curious about the mkII now, especially because of its analog dry-thru. Hopefully it’s closer to the original in terms of tracking, but with the added swell/tonal options from the Pro.
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First impressions are that the low octave on the Mk 1 and Mk 2 are just about identical, and the upper octave on the Mk 2 has more sparkle.
Interesting :wideyed:

If the mkII has the tracking (especially on the sub octave) of the original, along with the new features that are essentially from the Pro, it’s seriously going to be a top contender for small and affordable octavers. I already like the original more than the Micro POG :ninja:
I guess I arrive to late for any request. I Couldn't quite ear from your demos how the upper octave tracks and sounds. An upper only demo would be very welcomed. Great playing by the way.