Not sure of where this should go, but I had a good time putting this together.

For risk of spamming the board, I will try to post new videos under this topic instead of starting new threads each time (sorry). This one was too fun not to want to share.

Great Stuff PD. I enjoy your YouTube videos as well. Didn't hear you mention "Lay Out" which I'm sure you know as "don't play", as in having the piano player lay out on the bridge (ie, during a sax solo). Same thing as "stroll" to me. (DC/ Baltimore area)
Great Stuff PD. I enjoy your YouTube videos as well. Didn't hear you mention "Lay Out" which I'm sure you know as "don't play", as in having the piano player lay out on the bridge (ie, during a sax solo). Same thing as "stroll" to me. (DC/ Baltimore area)

Good one! Yeah--I actually found out that "strolling" has a couple different meanings depending on region--including "lay out". This would be a great book if someone has time to write/research/publish it!
I remember the first time somebody told me to “stroll” in the middle of the tune. I was still playing piano at the time and I was very confused.
Yeah, stroll seems to have disappeared. I first heard it from a great Detroit area trumpet player named Louis Smith who liked a piano-less quartet I was leading. He said "Sometimes is nice to just stroll." I thought he was somehow complimenting my walking lines! At jam sessions these days if I ask, say, a guitarist to stroll during my bass solo, I get a blank look.