New strings for Sandberg California 5

May 30, 2021
Does anyone have any suggestions for new strings on my Sandberg California 5? I'm not thrilled with the tension on the low B or the tone on the higher D and G strings. It's a Ken Smith style bass - low action, fast response. Maybe Ken Smith strings? Fodera? Just thought I would ask and see if anyone has ideas. Thanks in advance.
Please be more specific. What exactly don't you like about the "tension on the low B" and the "tone on D and G"?

Hi Michael, what I mean 8s the string tension is low on the B string. I'm interested in a string suggestion that may have more rigidity or tightness in the string. The tone from lower strings is also less than ideal. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
I have one of these bass, it's a great instrument, it comes with light steel strings. I prefer nickels. D'Addario EXL220-5 match very well with him, they are cheap and balanced. The tension on the B string will always be a problem, the solution is a Sandberg with a 35" scale.

Thanks, the current Sandberg strings sound light, too. I was afraid someone might say that about the B string. Nickels are a good suggestion- something to consider, thanks!!
Hi Michael, what I mean 8s the string tension is low on the B string. I'm interested in a string suggestion that may have more rigidity or tightness in the string. The tone from lower strings is also less than ideal. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

For a non-floppy B string, I prefer a hex-core between .125 - .130, matched up with something fairly light for E-G.

For example...

GHS Boomers, 40-55-75-95-125.
GHS Bassics, 40-58-80-102-130.
GHS Pressurewounds, 40-54-76-96-128.

All these sets are nicely balanced in tension across all five strings.
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I wonder who makes the strings for the Sandberg factory. If those were even more floppy than Fodera strings with the roundcores that's interesting.

Good question, unsure of manufacturer but stepping up from the stock light gauge to a medium 105-45 made a big difference. The 130B is much stiffer and heavier, easier to play and produces a monsterous tone. Not a fan of light gauge strings. Or picks.
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I've played Dr high beams which have round cores too. What's interesting about them is that they feel great and the attack is unique vs hex core strings. At least you found a stiffer gauge that works for you. I was happy with the feel but needed more mids and less scooped tone. How are you liking the Foderas? Are those scooped out too or are they more full range?