I have a new student, an older lady in her 70's who worked as a secretary when she was younger and banged on manual typewriters all day. Both of her pinkies are therefore deformed inwards...sorta like the pinkie toes of our wives' feet from being crammed into pointy shoes for decades.
She got a 1/2-sized bass last year, it fits her good, but she cannot comfortably make a whole-step between 1-4 fingers. Consequently is reaching out of position with her 3rd finger. I don't think my classical/jazz left hand teaching is going to work for her.
A few years ago I came across, now since forgotten, a bluegrass bass book where the LH technique was largely collapsed into the palm and otherwise "bad" compared to traditional classical/jazz LH.
Can anybody help me rediscover this book?
Can anybody offer ideas on how I can proceed with this student?
- Mark
She got a 1/2-sized bass last year, it fits her good, but she cannot comfortably make a whole-step between 1-4 fingers. Consequently is reaching out of position with her 3rd finger. I don't think my classical/jazz left hand teaching is going to work for her.
A few years ago I came across, now since forgotten, a bluegrass bass book where the LH technique was largely collapsed into the palm and otherwise "bad" compared to traditional classical/jazz LH.
Can anybody help me rediscover this book?
Can anybody offer ideas on how I can proceed with this student?
- Mark