One of my basses with active electronics gets noisy. The center of the problem seems to be the treble control. When it's flat, noise comes out. When it's boosted, it gets noisier, when it's completely cut, the bass is dead quite.
I love that bass and the way it sounds and I'd like to avoid changing the electronics. I'm not a tech either. Is there a simple way to solve this?
The bass is a Godin BG4, if it helps to know. The last generation of those, with what's supposed to be "Godin" electronics.
I love that bass and the way it sounds and I'd like to avoid changing the electronics. I'm not a tech either. Is there a simple way to solve this?
The bass is a Godin BG4, if it helps to know. The last generation of those, with what's supposed to be "Godin" electronics.