How much of a difference is the BigMan and the BigSplitMan when it comes to running them in parallel or series modes? In other words, how similar is parallel on the BigMan vs. parallel on the BigSplitMan?
I recognize there's a BIG difference in a Big Single vs. a Big Split... but I'm curious about the BM and the BSM.
A lot with the BM, I don't have a BSM, not as noticeable with the BBM.
I'm starting to think series-parallel variation is most noticeable with alnico pickups.
Ceramics don't "breathe" quite the same in parallel.....that whole killer Pre-EB Stingray super finger responsive thing is always there with decent alnico.
I sent someone an audio file flipping thru the $$4 settings, neck only-both-bridge only.
I deleted it bc that bass was never shielded and picked up radio in singlecoil if I wasn't careful.
It's sitting on my wall pickup cavities copper taped, I just need to pull my SS1 preamp out of it bc that worked worse than the stock 2-band with the BM's.
Will reinstall the BM's and I'll post a clip just to see if the Futbol station is gone.
There's a guy on Youtube that mixed and matched SD MM ceramic and alnico.
I wanted to do that with my $$5, alnico bridge to fatten it up, ceramic neck to punch it up.
That will end up happening with my $$4.
BM bridge, BBM neck, flip them.
Record a bunch of the same riff.
Agonize, thing about what preamp I don't own that I wanna try, agonize some more....end up playing them the whole time passive.
Find out after $100's spent on preamps that I wasted my time and passive kills with these things.
Spend more $, get some BSMs, yadda yadda yadda.