Normal for TI Jazz flats?


Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2007

I’ve been playing my TI Jazz Flats for around a month, 2 days a week. At this point, the D string suddenly feels less bright and less perceived sustain (plugged and unplugged), the G a little less so, while the bottom strings (especially the A) still sound bright, almost roundwound like. Also, the strings still feel “grabby” on my fingers and hard to do slides.

Do the EA strings normally take more time to get more thudding? Will the grabby feeling go away with more playing?
Just keep playing them and they'll (eventually) calm down and even out. My Low E and G are a bit bright still after several weeks, while the A and D are calming down. As far as them being a bit "grabby", I can agree with you on that. TI's in my experience are some of the "roughest" flats I've used compared to Chromes, LaBella DTF's and GHS Precision Flats. The TI's are also heavier in the mid/upper mid than a lot of other more traditional flats. even with all that said, I am currently preferring them over the rest mentioned because I've grown to really like how they feel tension wise and they're almost effortless to play on my Classic 50's lacquer precision. I pulled out a buddy's bass I recently set up and put a set of GHS Precision Flats on, and although that dull, dry thump is nice, I'm just so much more comfortable and faster on the TI's, so they're not going anywhere at the moment.
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I've had them on my Ric 4003 for about nine months and they sound just like the great original flats Ric used in the 1970's. What kine of bass do you have them on? I guess it's all subjective but I think these strings, for the right bass match-up, can be about as good as it gets.