NPB- Trace Elliot Transit B- Anyone have one?

Jun 28, 2008
I got a new TE transit B today. Seems pretty good so far, but I have a question. Are the compressor lights supposed to show some kind of activity when compressing? When engaged, I can hear the compressor working , but the lights do not flicker ( even with gain all the way up and hitting the strings hard).
I just got one of these and I'm really digging it. The compressor can choke you out if cranked too high but backed off to the noon neighborhood, and with the input gain turned up high enough (without clipping) it sounds fine. The Pre-shape is an instant modern clean tone, the EQ section has decent frequency points, and the OD can do fizzy and a bit clanky if you have the high-mid band turned up a bit on a switched-on EQ section. It's not a high gain or metal type distortion, but with the pre-shape turned on, the OD sounds a little bit sharper.

As for the compressor lights - mine do not flicker, but this:
Just read the Transit B manual.
Per TE:
Controls the amount of compression to the Lo-Band and Hi-Band frequencies. The backlit LEDs come on with the footswitch, but each will flicker off while playing to show when compression occurs.
The "each will flicker off..." part of this line has been redacted in my manual - they glued a strip of white over it, so I am pretty sure that they stopped making them do that and just didn't reprint the manuals after the change. My manual also has an errant extra blank page stuck in the middle of the controls list, so it may be a transition-period manual or something.