NPD: Beat Buddy with PA!


Supporting Member
Mar 17, 2011
Indianapolis, IN
Im really excited to try out my new BeatBuddy pedal today. I bought the footswitch and a separate small pedal board for the drum pedals.

The BeatBuddy is connected to a 10” 280w PA active speaker that fits right under my bass cab! This is where I play most of the time when I’m at home.

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So after 2 months, how do you like it?
I love the BeatBuddy...and use it often. I don't use the footswitch at all, except to stop the drums immediately (right switch)...Outside of that, I have no need to try to incorporate my timing for including cymbals (left switch).

I got rid of the low-end PA speaker and using my Bose system right now until I can come up with a better solution. The PA speaker had a low hiss that I could really EQ out. I've got my eye on another solution for my drum speakers, but I need to save up more $$.
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Now that you are coming up on one year...what do you think?

And if you are still using it can you tell us how you use it? (Stock beats to Jam, adjust the stock beats to match songs you are working on or downloading song beats - etc.)
I've just gotten one from the classifieds and it has been a steep but productive learning curve..

"When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice" - Saul Bellow

Thanks in advance for the update..
Wow! Everything in my pic has been sold off! Including the pedals...except the Keeley Bassist compressor.

I really got tired of digging in the menus to find a good beat. I guess I’m lazy.

I use a simple beat app now from my iPhone through a Bose S1. Perfect for my needs now.
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Thanks for the update.
New Bass player (2 years) and my regular Jam partner (guitar) and I noted that we need a drummer, or some kind of time reference, since we would "drift". We tried the drum beats on apps and that helped but you can't stop, start, accent.
Knowing that it takes practice helps but it can be hard to find something that works for a specific song.
And I don't have the talent for general spontaneous jamming...
What gig do you use this on??

I'll take a stab on the chance that you are asking moi...

We/I have not tried it out at a gig setting (yet)
Just got the BB and of course it arrived when I did not have a lot of time to work with it.
And the first/only time I brought it to our Wednesday Jam (we are old guys so it's SRV, ZZ Top, Steve Earle, BB King etc.) I had not had a chance to set up the foot switch.
What the first season showed was you need that switch - and you need to practice with it.

In my limited time before the Jam I was able to set up a "set list" folder and also load some of the aftermarket and user content on the petal.

The first pass report in random order:
  • Like Life in general, you get out of it what you put in to it...(that practice thing)
  • There can be a lot going on...and when you are relatively new and have no talent it can get to be a bit much at first (starts, stops, accents, fills, transitions, time signatures etc. - all requiring user input and timing does count)
  • The output through a decent speaker is impressive, realistic and kinda spooky - like in each song part there can be three different fills. The basic "songs" (there are about 200 -dived by styles from Blues, Metal, Punk, Funk, R&B, Jazz, Latin, Brazilian etc etc.) can be modified by tempo and drum set.
  • They have two "parts" that could be your chorus and verse for instance (so 6 unique fills)
  • There is a lot of premium aftermarket content along with freeware user generated material - songs, drum kits etc. (none of which is a substitute for skill/talent BTW)
  • You can see why they have been so popular in the Praise & Worship community - and the support content in the BB Forum and YouTube is extensive
  • Even with the limited use I can see how it has helped improve my playing
  • They have a sobriety setting, you can set the drummer from tipsy to wasted - amusing but I would not recommended it other than as a cautionary might help you prepare for an open-mike jam where other "drummers" sit in on the kit...
  • I can see the BB as a great song writing tool...
  • You can connect your (active) bass to the BB and use headphones for a great quiet practice setup
  • This would work for a small venue gig when you don't have, or have room for, a drummer - but you would have to practice with that set up.
  • The software allows you to build/modify to your hearts content...
That would probably be enough for now...
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