Double Bass Nu-Blu Jam (Carnival) Cruise from Long Beach on Sunday 3/3/19...

Don Hergert

Gold Supporting Member
Jan 17, 2018
Blue Zone, California
Anyone going on this cruise this Sunday? We'll be going, assisting with jam hosting. I'll be on banjo, mandolin and double bass.

Aside from the Nu-Blu band being there for shows, workshops and jamming, Eric Uglum and Joy Williams will be joining my wife and I with the jam hosting. My understanding is that we have the stern conference room from 8am to midnight so there will be plenty of venue availability for jamming,

Also present along side the jamming will be the Quilts of Valor quilting group doing quilting workshops and group and independent quilting projects.
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I returned from this trip last Thursday and have been sort of catching up with my impressions.

I have been on quite a few other jam cruises sponsored by other promoters and had been consistently disappointed because either no jamming venues or not enough jamming venues had been arranged and so there were no or too few places and times to jam. As one of the jam hosts that was important to me for those previous cruises, as well as for this most recent cruise...

Happily there was a good sized conference room reserved on the ship for jamming and other event activities from 8am to midnight for the length of this recent cruise, which meant we could jam most of the time. Jamming was the primary music related focus of this cruise event, although there were also two excellent shows by Nu-Blue and a number of workshops on one of the days. The quilting people for the Quilts of Valor shared the conference room with the jamming people, and that sharing worked out very nicely.

So anyway, I was extremely pleased with this jam cruise and definitely plan to attend any other jam cruises promoted by Nu-Blu in the future that we are able to schedule.