Nxt m80 wiring idea

I was wondering If I could run the parallel out to channel a of a aby pedal, and the out put to channel b, then run to the my head? I want to do this so I can have the tone of the m80 plus my regular amp tone at the same time.

Doesn't the M80 already have a blend control?

Why would you need separate outputs?
Right, and I'm looking to use the m80 with the drive channel on but also retain the sound of my head along with it.
Are you using the mid contour on the 800rb? With the color switch engaged on the M80 that might be too much mid reduction.
Both the Zoom B3 and B3n have great M80 sims that allow you to turn the color switch on or off on the distortion channel. Sounds great!
Hope this helps,
No I keep the mid switch on the 800rb out. Pretty much I'm wanting it to be as if I'm running 2 amps but instead of getting another 800rb and cab I figured I could get somewhat the same effect using the a/b/y switch. I like my uneffected tone from the 800rb and I also like the m80s tone and wanted to run them together. Thanks for the input.