I forgot to say, my patch is called "GMC - OC2".
A lot of guys say that the C4's OC-2 sounds close but not spot on...however...use the filter control in the specific voice channel and you can tune it to taste. Thisis the control option that pretty much dials inthe favious flavours between clone variants...MXR for example. I tend to prefer a slightly brighter take on the regular OC-2 (Filter set ot 50%) but most agree that around 35% is pretty close.
The real OC-2 has some issues, it doesn't like really hot inputs, it can clip easily and there's a difference in output level between fully wet and fully dry. It's not a true bypass, but is buffered. This can cause issues with some analogue dirt pedals later in your chain. There are some great boutique Clonmes of the OC-2 that adress some of the Boss pedal's limitations...it's an old pedal design for sure.
Nobody has mentioned the Boss OC-5 and it's a serious contender for sure. However, the C4 is a LOT more versatile and can keep you entertained for weeks. One of my fav patches for sheer fun is the "one patch and you are done" Donna Summers "I feel love" patch...pluck a noate and you are done...big grins all round and your keyboardist will admire you deeply!
The C4 is potentially a stereo pedal (if you want it to be) and offers a lot of additonal benefits over and above what a simple OC-2 can offer. It's pricing isn't a lot more than a new boutique OC-2 clone.