Old Framus. Electronics?

Jun 6, 2020
Hi guys. I've come across this old Framus. Do you know what model is it?


The electronics are not original, sadly... I'm gonna make a good new one. Are there any available diagrams? I'm assuming Vol & Tone (250k both) for each pickup, and a couple 47nf capacitors. There are also two mini switches that I'm not sure what they do. Any help is really useful!

Pickups are 6k DC resistance.

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I’m only finding VVT setups online but all potentiometers are listed as 200Kohm linear taper. The switches are shown as on - off for the pickups. You should be able to extrapolate adding the second tone control. I’d guess all the wiring was pretty much the same with the same parts. The specifics probably changed based on number of pickups.

Hi Matt! Thanks, that's really helpful.

So 200k/250k pots, ok. That makes sense and it was what I was expecting. Linear taper for tone is going to be horrible. I'm using log pots there. The fastest the taper, the better.

Isn't it the 100nf too much? I had the 47nf value in mind though I might experiment a little bit.

What surprises me about that wiring is the Tone section being at the output ala 50s wiring. I've found an old original Framus wiring at Reverb with a few pictures where you can easily decipher the wiring, and the tone was before the output. I like the tone at the output, I don't feel like adding a treble bleed.

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Hi Matt! Thanks, that's really helpful.

So 200k/250k pots, ok. That makes sense and it was what I was expecting. Linear taper for tone is going to be horrible. I'm using log pots there. The fastest the taper, the better.

Isn't it the 100nf too much? I had the 47nf value in mind though I might experiment a little bit.

What surprises me about that wiring is the Tone section being at the output ala 50s wiring. I've found an old original Framus wiring at Reverb with a few pictures where you can easily decipher the wiring, and the tone was before the output. I like the tone at the output, I don't feel like adding a treble bleed.


That’s just what I found with some quick googling, I can’t attest to its accuracy. The diagram seems likely though. Framus was German and Europe could have had slightly different “standard” value pots then. That was before Fender spec took over. Capacitor value is definitely a matter of taste. Again, it’s before Fender was the standard. It may have been meant to rein in the single coils a little? Dunno.