I've dabbled with passive fuzz circuits in the past, which can be fun, but I've always experienced a bit of a volume drop with them, so switching on mid-song was always a little bit of a let down. Debating how to get a nice snarly fuzz boost, I considered installing the guts of an existing fuzz into my strat bass, but then I came across the Artec ODD on-board distortion/overdrive circuit. Couldn't find any bass demos of one but it's super cheap, so I figured there wasn't much to lose in trying it out. I was pleasantly surprised to find just how killer it sounds on bass. Actually preserves low end!
There are 4 gain settings. The first two are pretty lackluster, at least with this single Gibson Minibucker in the neck position. The last two are great though. One being a moderate chunky fuzzy overdrive and the other being a full-bore laser beam of fuzzy glitchy goo. In this short video you get the high octane setting. I plan to play around a little more withthe circuit, with switchable capacitors and a pre-fuzz volume, so I plan to put up a little more comprehensive demo then with better recording methods than my cell phone camera, but here's a little sneak peak as-is:
There are 4 gain settings. The first two are pretty lackluster, at least with this single Gibson Minibucker in the neck position. The last two are great though. One being a moderate chunky fuzzy overdrive and the other being a full-bore laser beam of fuzzy glitchy goo. In this short video you get the high octane setting. I plan to play around a little more withthe circuit, with switchable capacitors and a pre-fuzz volume, so I plan to put up a little more comprehensive demo then with better recording methods than my cell phone camera, but here's a little sneak peak as-is: