After building a fearful 12/6/1 I got the soldering bug and I'd like to try my hand at wiring up a passive onboard preamp. The signal chain will be:
(Blend only works when the pickup selector is in the middle position, or both pickups)
Control layout:
I'm needing some confirmation on parts though. Do the components I've linked look good?
(Blend only works when the pickup selector is in the middle position, or both pickups)
Control layout:
I'm needing some confirmation on parts though. Do the components I've linked look good?
- Single/Parallel/Series switches (3 Way Switch - On On Mini Switch - Best Bass Gear)
- Tone/Tone stack I'm trying to go with Bourns pots as much as possible. Do they make a 500/500 tone stack?
- Audio taper
- 500K/500K
- .022 (bridge) / .047 (neck) (
- Pickup selector switch (3 Way Switch - On On Mini Switch - Best Bass Gear)
- Blend (Passive, m/n)
- Volume
- Wire (Guitar and Pickup Wire | What wire do you recommend for onboard passive electronics?
- Output jack (Switchcraft Number 11 1-4 inch Input Jack |