Double Bass Orchestral bass strings

Top "orchestral" bass strings would be: Flexocor, Passione, Bel Cantos and Kaplans.
After that, some players still like the older Original Flexors and Original Flat Chromesteel strings.
Flexocor Deluxe and Permanents are brighter and more of a hybrid string. IMHO they don't bow quite as easily as the above strings but they are still excellent strings.
Helicore are an okay student level orchestral string.
Hope that helps.
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I've gone through most of the above, and in my advancing old age I've become a big fan of Jargars - the fortes can make the floor shake, the Dolces are easy on the left hand (and tunable to solo pitch) and the medium have a good mix of both. Not a pizz string however.
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Personally, I think Helicore Orchestrals are highly underrated, and the price is right for non-professional players. My bass is set up with Belcantos on the G-D-A, and Helicore Orchestrals on the E-B. Helicores opened up the bottom end of the instrument dramatically and match the voice of the Belcantos on the mid/high side. I have a four-string with an extended E/C with Helicores top-to-bottom, and they're very even and equally responsive on that bass.
Flexocor Deluxes are great but they had a bit too much tension on my classical bass with longer mensur. I wanted something still warmer and darker with less hybrid qualities. A strict arco string! So "me too" changed to Pirastro Passiones.
Regulars were too quiet but the starks are great! They have less tension than Flex dlx and are as easy as it can get with the bow. Only Kaplans were as easy to bow but compared to Passiones they sounded dull and colourless like did the Belcantos too.
I have also tried "the old stuff" like regular Flexocor, other Pirastros and Jargar fortes (weaker and brighter than Passiones on my bass) and I´m happy to hear that manufacturers have really managed to develop their products.
Speaking of the old stuff - I also like Passiones pizz tone which is very "old school" with higher string heights :)