Original Lace Sensor Question

Jim C

I believe in the trilogy; Fender, Stingray, + G&L
Supporting Member
Nov 29, 2008
Bethesda, MD
I had some of the old style Lace Sensors in a J bass and they sounded great.
I want to say the name on the pup was in blue

Thought I'd try a set in a P bass.
I know the Man O' Wars are red and are high output.

I think they used to make a P set that had silver lettering
Of course these are long out of production but am hoping somebody remembers the color codes used back then

BTW, years ago my buddy had a very high end vintage shop.
Old Strats, LP's, etc.
He took a Tele with a blue Tele bridge and humbucker in as a trade and it was killer
This became one of his favorite guitars to play
The morning guy sold it one day (they weren't that much in vogue back then and he was proud of the sale). The boss had meant to put it in the back room!