Our first album


Would you happen to have a cookie for me?
Supporting Member
Apr 25, 2008
Wee bit west-o-Philly - SEPA
I hope this is the correct forum for this one.
My trio, the Cozy, has just released our first album. We will begin recording the second one next week.
This first one was recorded in a few studio's but mixed and mastered at Chaplin's in Springcity, PA (USA). Our second album will be completely recorded at this same place.
The tunes are quite varied in style but many have some pretty cool combinations of time signatures.
I hope you like it.
Sound Check, by The Cozy

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Thanks very much!

This is his answer - 1998 Fender Roadhouse Strat with stock Texas Special pickups.
Various (pedals). Distortion was Fulltone OCD, modulation was MXR Phase 90, clean tones was Electroharmonix Soul Food set to 1 on the drive knob. There is a Cry Baby Wah in there too occasionally.

I know his cab is boutique, built by a local guy, a Chandler, and this was recorded with a mic in front of the cab, no DI. My bass was blended both DI (from my Shuttle) and mic'd from the Revsound cab.
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Reactions: Jeff Scott
Here we go again! the Cozy hits the airwaves and interweb on Saturday!!


This week's playlist for "The Cavern" radio show Saturday, August 26th at 9:00 p.m. CDT (0300 UTC/GMT) on 91.9 KSOI-FM heard here in South-central Iowa...and streaming online worldwide at KSOIFM.COM...real classic rock bands like Fuzzy Duck, Taste, Seatrain, and Potliquor....with new music by Blue October, Evernoize, Shaun Munday, The Cozy, and Triple the Trouble...Album oriented rock and blues every Saturday night with Jeff Wells on "The Cavern KSOI" ! ! !
