Overly sensitive master volume pot on Carvin BX500

Joshua Pickenpaugh

Supporting Member
Apr 16, 2001
Hello all,

I've a couple-years-old, barely and gently used Carvin BX500 head that I use to power a Carvin 4x10, which was purchased at the same time as the head. The Master volume goes from nothing to very loud within the first number of the master volume. I'd like it to not jump up in volume so quickly. How can I solve this? Replace the pot?


If you've got a spare EQ or comp pedal laying around, dial it in for a neutral tone, turn the output level almost all the way down, and turn the amp's level up to (what would be)just north of comfortable. Then use the pedal's output controls to bring the amp up to an acceptable level. It's an old trick guitarists use on Fender-type amps.

Although I do agree you should contact Carvin about this
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