Oct 11, 2007
Hi All-
I am building a bass (Slow build Super PJ) with a P pickup and a MM pickup and wanted to wire the bass like this:

  • P pickup - series (as is normal)
  • MM - with a series/parallel push/pull knob and a north/south/both coil 3 way mini switch.
  • I wanted to do a blend knob as the push/pull and a stacked tone volume knob
  • Alternatively, could stack the blend and tone and do the volume as a push pull or do I even need a volume control?

But cannot find a wiring diagram for it. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for this configuration by chance?

Pickups are: SPB-3 and SMB4D
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I think your biggest problem is going to be finding a push/pull blend knob with center detent. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I have never seen one.

My suggestion would be a stacked volume/tone and blend knob. Then skip the north, both, south option in favor of a series,split,parallel switch.
I think your biggest problem is going to be finding a push/pull blend knob with center detent. I'm not saying they don't exist, but I have never seen one.

My suggestion would be a stacked volume/tone and blend knob. Then skip the north, both, south option in favor of a series,split,parallel switch.

Thanks @Hopkins! That is a great idea. I could just select one coil on the MM for the split correct (say just the south coil)?

Do you happen to know how to wire it or know where I can get a diagram for that setup?
Wire it like this, don't worry about the pickups not being the correct shape, or the volume and tones being separate pots. A stacked pot functions as two individual pots anyway, so the diagram is correct for your application

Wire it like this, don't worry about the pickups not being the correct shape, or the volume and tones being separate pots. A stacked pot functions as two individual pots anyway, so the diagram is correct for your application

I have a Schecter Diamond-P Plus that stopped working a few weeks ago. The preamp failed and I was going to replace it, but decided to poke around for a solution to make it passive and a little less clunky, not being a fan of either an active point of failure or the rotary pickup switch. I followed this design, using a separate tone pot so that all four holes on the pickguard would be used, and it worked beautifully. Thank you very much!
Wire it like this, don't worry about the pickups not being the correct shape, or the volume and tones being separate pots. A stacked pot functions as two individual pots anyway, so the diagram is correct for your application

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Thanks for this. I’m basically doing this, but I think the P pickup I’m using has series/parallel wiring, so I may add a switch for the P pickup.