P/U Config for Custom Build - Opinions Wanted

Hey guys,

I've been scouring everything I can find to try to make a decision about the pickups and preamp for the custom 4-string build I'm working on and I might be even more confused now than when I started! I'm looking for massive punch and deep bass. My initial thought was to go with dual active soapbars from Seymour Duncan as I've always loved the MusicMan sound. But I couldn't find a wiring diagram for that configuration (only for dual passive or single active soapbars). I've also looked at the packages from Bartolini, but have no experience with their pickups directly so I'm not so sure about them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, the bass is a neck-through of wenge and maple with walnut body wings and a maple burl and wenge top.
"Massive punch and deep bass" isn't very specific. If you provide more details, or even examples, it may be easier to recommend stuff...

But if you like the MusicMan sound, recreating their HH configuration might work well. The pickups connect to the 5-way switch, then the preamp. Get the measurements for pickup positions, and use MM routing templates. That's half the battle. The other half is finding the right pickups and preamp combo. It can take some trial and error. I suggest searching here for "MM" or "StingRay" pickups and preamp. I'm sure others will chip in with their recommendations.

Another, more generic route would be two soapbars (Bart or EMG size) in J-bass positions. It's a very common (or "classic") setup that works well. There's a plethora of pickup designs that come in soapbar format you can try, from dual coils to single coils...
Thanks for the responses so far, guys. I'd say I'm looking for a sound that ranges from Flea to Chris Wolstenholme to John Taylor.

The Musciman HH config definitely seems on the right track. I also theoretically like the Seymour Duncan preamp for Musicman bases due to the "slap switch." If that does what it claims to do, it would be quite useful for me. However, that preamp is only for a single 2-coil pickup so it won't work.

I'm now looking at a pair of Nordstrand Big BladeMan 4s and their JC-3B preamp and this might be just what I've been looking for. Anyone have any experience with these?
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Well, after a great email exchange with the tone and function guy at Nordstrand Audio, I decided to go with their Bid BladeMan pickups and the 3-band preamp they created to go with them. These things were designed for Justin Chancellor of Tool (and are featured in his signature Warwock bases) so I know they're going to give me the growl and power I'm looking for.

Thanks for all the feedback. I'll report back once I get the bass completed and have a chance to hear these beasts in action.
Well, after a great email exchange with the tone and function guy at Nordstrand Audio, I decided to go with their Bid BladeMan pickups and the 3-band preamp they created to go with them. These things were designed for Justin Chancellor of Tool (and are featured in his signature Warwock bases) so I know they're going to give me the growl and power I'm looking for.

Justin returned the Warwick bass and the one that Carey built him with the BladeMan pickups. Neither company had Justin listed as an artist on their webpages.