First I want to open by expressing my sincere gratitude to any and all your responses to my wiring challenges / inquiries. Dear line6man and other interested parties, my bass was originally wired with The EMG–HB at the bridge position and The EMG-81 at the neck position. The electronics configuration consisted of one (1) volume pot. and one (1) tone pot. for each pick-up, for a total of (4) four pots. All (4) four pots. are identical and rated the same; @25K with a 2A473K capacitor (which I’ve been told are rated at 0.1mf, which all active EMG’s supposedly use) in between the tone and volume pots. Although having EMG’s at both the bridge and neck positions was quiet, punchy and somewhat bright, that combination gave me very little mid-range emphasis. Subsequently, I am hoping to use half (1/2) of that system, IE… one (1) EMG pick-up along with one (1) each prior stated volume and tone pot. and capacitor.
I was hoping to solve my mid-range concerns with The Seymour Duncan pick-ups which I acquired sometime ago. So, apparently with them being passive I can use them with my 3 band pre-amp. But, being that The S.D.’s are “split coil” which I guess is another way of saying “stacked’, right? I cannot do a series/split/parallel wiring, but rather I can do
series / parallel switching instead. That said, do I need a different type of toggle switch? And, if so what type?
Also, in operating both The S.D. passive pick-up / pre-amped circuit along with The EMG active circuit my understanding now is it, “
requires either buffering of the passive pickup, or a dual input preamp. (Or active blend pot.) EMG makes a blend pot that can be used, otherwise, it is best to build a buffer from an opamp and a few resistors and capacitors. “ Well, taking in consideration that I’m trying to work with the components I’ve got on hand for the most part. I.E. the active and passive pick-ups, pots, and pre-amp. Can I use the Blend Pot on the Pre-Amp to wire both a single EMG pick-up and circuitry on one lug and the (2) two sets of S.D. stack pick-ups with a series / parallel toggle switch on the other lug of The Blend Pot of The Pre-Amp? And, if not can you Sir / Mr. line6man and / or other such talented types share knowledge on how to “
build a buffer from an opamp and a few resistors and capacitors.”
About me, I am a free-lance cover band / home studio bassist, with some skills in lutherie and even less in electronics. But, I’m trying to learn to do some of my own electronic repairs and modifications. Subsequently, I appreciate any and all help on this matter.
PS. Also thank you Zoobiedood I will be researching the passive NYC soapbar pickup. It sounds very interesting.
PSS. I’ve included some extra pictures as a visual aide. Again help, wiring / block diagrams and /or schematics with components and value rating is seriously appreciated. Sincerely Bassiclyspeakin