Patch cables for Boss ES8?

I've used The fancy Evidence Audio SIS solderless for three years, with about 15 cables (30 connectors) I've had 2 connector failures...that's 2 cables taken out. When they fail, you generally can't re-use the same connector because a bit of the core gets stuck in the shaft hole. So I decided when I was going for a whole new board re-vamp after getting an ES-5 that I would avoid solderless if I could. The problem with the Boss ES-8 and ES-5 is that there's not a lot of room between the connectors at the back. The large Switch craft L jacks don't fit and neither do the pancake type (which is a real PITA).
So I started using the new Warwick Rock board angled flats. They are pretty spectacular and still reasonably cheap. They are available in a huge array of lengths. The only problem is availability and stock. I had to wait a few weeks for each batch that I ordered. They also sell flat and angled Midi cables, which generally need cutting up and soldering a normal straight on one end...and they also make TRS angled jack flat cables too, but these are hard to find.
I've used The fancy Evidence Audio SIS solderless for three years, with about 15 cables (30 connectors) I've had 2 connector failures...that's 2 cables taken out. When they fail, you generally can't re-use the same connector because a bit of the core gets stuck in the shaft hole. So I decided when I was going for a whole new board re-vamp after getting an ES-5 that I would avoid solderless if I could. The problem with the Boss ES-8 and ES-5 is that there's not a lot of room between the connectors at the back. The large Switch craft L jacks don't fit and neither do the pancake type (which is a real PITA).
So I started using the new Warwick Rock board angled flats. They are pretty spectacular and still reasonably cheap. They are available in a huge array of lengths. The only problem is availability and stock. I had to wait a few weeks for each batch that I ordered. They also sell flat and angled Midi cables, which generally need cutting up and soldering a normal straight on one end...and they also make TRS angled jack flat cables too, but these are hard to find.
I just got myself a Disaster area dpc-8ez switcher (very tight spacing) and now needing cables too. Kinda dreading the hole solderless experience(money, time, reliability) so i wonder if the warwick flats will fit.....
Yeah if i could find some short straight plug(for switcher) to angle plug(for pedals) cables that would work out great. I dont want to to look crappy though. Dont know what im going to do. Just need to find some pictures. I cant ask on forum or Facebook because everyone will just say "Go solderless go solderless" hah. Maybe i should........but i just have my reservations
I found a solution that works for me. It's not perfect but it fits ES-8. It requires some drilling though.

I bought this solderless set and drilled cable holes through the back of the cap, so the cables can exit ES-8 completely straight.ötfreies-Ped...webp_QL65&keywords=solderless+pedal+cable+kit

I guess it can be done with other similar sets, but you need to find one with thin caps so that the drilling is easier.

Don't forget to use the safety goggles when drilling metal.

I'd prefer short plugs that I can solder, but unfortunately I can't find any.
This thread is from a long time ago?

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For people that are considering an ES-8/ES-5, this discussion thread and new replies are still useful and comes up in search - maybe it'll help prevent future duplicate posts.
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