My wife and I went out of town this last weekend to get away and do some last minute Xmas shopping. We like to look in thrift stores and pawn shops. One of the pawn shops always has an abundance of music gear. I noticed a Carvin BX 500 bass amp for sale, and the price tag said $80 - as is, no output. Plus it said 35% of listed price which made it $52 . I asked to see it power up and it did just fine so I offered them $40 and they agreed. I ended up paying $42.50 with tax. I figured for that price it was worth a gamble and maybe it was a dirty jack or something. I plugged my headphones into it tonight and it worked just fine, so that eliminated a preamp issue. I then plugged it into my cabinet and it worked just fine! I can't believe I got this amp for $42.50. The pawn shop obviously had faulty test equipment and/or people that didn't know what they were doing. Oh well, amazing score for me!!!