Peavey Mini Max master volume knob mod

it is a linear pot? wow. it goes from zero to sixty in a flash. I assumed ... well you know what happens when you assume. THe head is LAF at about 8:00. I just assumed the pot was front loaded. Is the gain pot linear, too?

I want to slow the throttle so to speak of the power amp. I thought linear pots were slower to the ear. Did I get that backwards?

thanks dudes
well there it is!
thanks again. I learn so much from you, team.
The truth is I've got a pair of woofers I'm worried I've overheated, and want to ensure that I know what kind of power I'm putting into them. Which I'm sure is why Peavey put linear pots on the power amp. So now I know I'm working with a linear pot, and now have to figure out what kind of thermal limit my cab/drivers are. That will be another post.
well there it is!
thanks again. I learn so much from you, team.
The truth is I've got a pair of woofers I'm worried I've overheated, and want to ensure that I know what kind of power I'm putting into them. Which I'm sure is why Peavey put linear pots on the power amp. So now I know I'm working with a linear pot, and now have to figure out what kind of thermal limit my cab/drivers are. That will be another post.
I'm not sure what you're after here other than a more linear sounding transition from 0 to 10.

But if you're thinking there is some sort of way to tell how much power you are dumping into your cabs, simply by looking at the pointer on a knob... well that isn't how it works. Fact is, there is no standard and no calibration for knob setting vs power on these things. It's all just relative and the numbers mean nothing by themselves. Knob at half way does not mean amp at half power.

If you like to run a knob at 10 O'Clock, then the next time, you can set it to 10 O'Clock and be where you like it.That's all you get.
Knob setting vs power could even be different between two identical amps.
Thanks man !
This began with fear based conjecture. Heh
I love that mini max and am always surprised at how loud it is, so I assumed There was something to do with the pot on the master. I don't really care if it's at ten or 1. But I felt helpless and worried and have too much free time so I typed stuff here.

I should hijack this thread while I have your attention and ask how to determine the thermal limit of a speaker+cab? That's a more relevant discussion and will help me wth this particlaur neurosis. I burned up my last woofers and didn't expect to do so again with the new pair. They are rated 300w each, and are much more substantial than the first pair.
Which input are you using? You could always use the Active input, if you are not already, and get more travel with the knob, though you will lose some power at the end.
Thanks man !
This began with fear based conjecture. Heh
I love that mini max and am always surprised at how loud it is, so I assumed There was something to do with the pot on the master. I don't really care if it's at ten or 1. But I felt helpless and worried and have too much free time so I typed stuff here.

I should hijack this thread while I have your attention and ask how to determine the thermal limit of a speaker+cab? That's a more relevant discussion and will help me wth this particlaur neurosis. I burned up my last woofers and didn't expect to do so again with the new pair. They are rated 300w each, and are much more substantial than the first pair.

What are you using for "woofers"? Not woofers I hope.
Pretty much. Besides the job and spending time with the fam I'm still back and forth to MS a good bit trying to sell the house. At least I get to sit in with my old bands sometimes on those weekends. My schedule should open up again in not too long. Until then, I just play around on acoutic.
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