Double Bass Permanent E tone

I just bought a new Permanent E (normal length, not extension) for my bass. On GDA I have Belcantos. The permanent sounds really bright out of the packaging compared to the Belcantos. Will the Permanent break in over time and sound a little darker, or does it stay bright?

I also have Helicore orchestrals to replace the permanent if anything.
The Permanent is a pretty bright string ... but many bassists want a brighter E string for the added volume. It will settle down and darken, like any string I know of. The thing is: So will your Bel Cantos, so you may never attain the perfect match with this combination. An Evah Pirazzi weich E might be a better match. Welcome to the frustrating search for perfection!
I have used and liked a Permanent A and E under Flex Deluxe D and G. The FDs are brighter so the match is slightly better but it’ll probably calm down. Otherwise just run BCs straight across.

My current setup is BC for the G and D and Spiro Weich A and E/C. It works surprisingly well.