Pictures on for sale adds


Supporting Member
Nov 4, 2006
Port Orchard WA
Hey guys. I'm starting to get familiar with the new layout. One thing I noticed that seems to be happening lately is the pictures in the classifieds. Used to be if you're looking at the bass classifieds that right to the left of the add heading you'd see a picture of the bass for sale. Now all I see is the avatar of the person that posted the add. Essentially making it to where you have to actually open the add to see the bass. Must be a setting but I can't seem to find it. maybe that's just the way it is nowadays?
Thanks for any help!
Never mind....I was using the old link that I used to use to take me right to the classifieds. I found that if I make my way to the classifieds through the drop down menu's above it takes me to a page that has all the pics like I'm used to seeing. I just made a new favorites and got rid of the old for me. I'd delete this post but I can't figure out how to do that. :roflmao:
Never mind....I was using the old link that I used to use to take me right to the classifieds. I found that if I make my way to the classifieds through the drop down menu's above it takes me to a page that has all the pics like I'm used to seeing. I just made a new favorites and got rid of the old for me. I'd delete this post but I can't figure out how to do that. :roflmao:
Do you still have the link of your old bookmark?