Pig Hog Cables?


Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2010
Coldwater, MI
Endorsing Artist: Mike Lull Custom Guitars, DR Strings
Anybody use Pig Hog Cables? I'm in the market for some new short patch cables for my pedal board, and there is currently a deal on some of these. I've exclusively used Monster cables for years and have never even heard of these. But I thought I'd ask. The savings would be worth it.
2yrs later are we all still happy pig hog campers? I'm hoping to load up soon.
Too funny! I'm in the market for a new living room practice cable and saw the Tartan plaid 10' cable and this thread!

Too funny! I'm in the market for a new living room practice cable and saw the Tartan plaid 10' cable and this thread!
View attachment 3668878
that's mainly what I need too, a coupla 10' with a straight and L plug, but not sure what our GC actually has in pig hog variety. I see some good deals on $50 5pax etc., but they don't use Switchcraft parts and some have said they fail easily. glad to hear more positives, they do seem to be the best bang 4 buck cords going.
Yep, when I started getting into pedals I was using their 6" rigid patch cables for awhile (along with their version of a OneSpot power cable and daisy chain.) I only switched to EBS flat flex cables recently when I found myself cramming more pedals onto the board more tightly.

I then sold my PHs to a guitar player who was getting noise with his cheap board cables, and he's still happily rocking them.

Quality stuff