My new project is indie pop/rock and there are some synth leads and other parts that when we finally perform live, Im going to have the pain/pleasure of playing. It will be a mix of backing tracks, parts assigned to pads that I will trigger, a little bit of playing a 49 (possibly 61) key keyboard and of course playing live bass most the time. Playing live bass and having synth bass over parts of songs along with it makes the bass sound HUGE when in studio, talk about low end...I imagine it will sound even better live in places with big quality PA systems. Anyone else do this in a band? What type of music and what kind of set up do you have?
I doubt this will be of much practical use to you, but I'm still hauling a hardware sampler around.
It has 8 discreet outputs, which works out as up to 3 stereo sub-mixes / 6 mono outputs to FOH, 1 mono output to my A/B box (for any sounds that I want to play through my pedals & amp), and 1 mono output to the drummer (for any click tracks that may be required - though none of the current playlist requires them).
In previous bands, the drummer would also have their own sampler, as would the guitarist, so everyone had their own triggering method (be that keyboard, drum pads, MPC etc), and a Philip Reese MIDI merge box was also used.
Currently just using a single MIDI keyboard, and depending on the song, I might play intro/outro, breaks, or chorus on the keyboard, and be switching back and forth between keys and bass throughout the song.
One PITA at the moment is I'm playing synth bass / samples on some songs, and the other bass player is playing synth bass / lead lines on other songs ; so we're having to structure the set so that all my keyboard songs are together, then drag the keyboard across the stage, and do all the songs where he uses keys.
Currently thinking about switching over to a laptop, with 2 mini keyboards on USB - which has a bunch of advantages, not least of which is the size and weight of the equipment, and also particularly with regard to collaboration, and reducing my workload as being solely responsible for managing samples, keyboards etc.
There are a few drawbacks to going that route, in terms of robustness, and in order to have the same output capability, I'm either looking at no real reduction in size / weight, or several new purchases...