So, I never play seated. I kind of love the the DB is the “standing desk” of string instruments and when I was cutting my teeth hustling for gigs in NYC I’d never ever consider bringing another thing to carry on the train. But life comes at you fast; I very unexpectedly broke my foot in a freak slip and fall accident. Pretty good too, I had surgery last week to get some hardware installed.
I’m a full time professional double bassist so while standing and walking unaided is out of the question for the next 2ish months, playing bass is happening! A couple days after my accident I grabbed a stool from one of the places I play (with staff permission!) and it seems be working pretty well. I’ve always done 4 gigs with it. Here’s a picture -
While this stool was designed for eating tacos, the bass is about the same level in comparison to my ear as playing standing. I’m loving stable balance point for thumb position, and have been going up there a bunch more as a result. Currently it feels, in comparison to playing standing, a little easier to use arm weight with my left hand but a little harder with the right hand. Nothing that is super majorly effecting my performance, but it’s early days.
Does anyone have any advice? I don’t really know any seated pizz players out here in Colorado or I’d think private lesson first. Any good videos? Am I going to get by with my improvised stool or do I need something purpose built? I’m going on 3 week, 6 state tour in a few weeks before I’m able to stand again (its thankfully not my driving foot) and would like to prepare as well as I can.
I’m a full time professional double bassist so while standing and walking unaided is out of the question for the next 2ish months, playing bass is happening! A couple days after my accident I grabbed a stool from one of the places I play (with staff permission!) and it seems be working pretty well. I’ve always done 4 gigs with it. Here’s a picture -
While this stool was designed for eating tacos, the bass is about the same level in comparison to my ear as playing standing. I’m loving stable balance point for thumb position, and have been going up there a bunch more as a result. Currently it feels, in comparison to playing standing, a little easier to use arm weight with my left hand but a little harder with the right hand. Nothing that is super majorly effecting my performance, but it’s early days.
Does anyone have any advice? I don’t really know any seated pizz players out here in Colorado or I’d think private lesson first. Any good videos? Am I going to get by with my improvised stool or do I need something purpose built? I’m going on 3 week, 6 state tour in a few weeks before I’m able to stand again (its thankfully not my driving foot) and would like to prepare as well as I can.