Please help, identify this cab: #GirlMeetsWorld

so what [exactly] do we have here (in the pic of this (orange edited) pic)? i wantsz it so incredibly hot-wise (whetever it is)! if you know, please now; spill it :p

(my first inclination is a JBL sumfin')
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it's an enlarged picture of some sub a propmaster ruined with orange paint.
hmmm. i dont think that. im in in-line with the thinking that it is a photo of a real cab because i dont truly believe a photoshop editor woul dknow to put the ports on it like that.. you see, to me, it looks like a real design that was photographed and put into a photo stock of some type, later to pulled by an intern for their respective "artist", then just digitally filtered (edited) to add the orange hue for the purpose to have the framed decore fit the stage color-designer's profile of contrast or whatev... so whetev, im looking for the actual cab that was photoed and to buy it
Its possible it was a picture of a 12" speaker, and printed poster sized to make it look 24" or bigger, and an orange color added. I highly doubt that "speaker" is any deeper than the 1" frame its mounted on.

A real 24" speaker in a cab might weigh 200 pounds, require massive wattage due to inefficient specs, and only be good at producing certain frequencies. Remember, the sound you heard was on your TV's 2" speakers, and the tone you heard came from the amp - not the massive orange picture of a speaker.
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Definitely NOT a JBL. Those are real cabs however. They were designed by European designer Olaf Schitzengiggle and was initially a subsidiary of Orange called "Grapefruit". As you can see by the photo, the Grapefruits were a bit larger than the Oranges. Most people were left with a sour feeling as the company owners wouldn't sugar-coat anything as far as what the cabs could and most importantly could not do. The reason the color is orange (instead of the more well known yellow exterior/pink interior) is because Olaf had stolen the formula for the original Orange orange, and man things turned into a mess after that.

Google it.