Hopefully someone is still around, but I have two questions: The fdeck calculator graphs out db's and cone excursion, so looking at that, the cone excursion is way beyond xlim with 200watts at 20 or 30Hz. Does that mean I can't put 200watts into the cab with that vent setup without ruining the speakers? Second, I was wondering if you can put one 4x4 port on the front, and one on the back? Seems I've seen that it can be done.
Not unusual (EDIT: at least to exceed X
max) unless the chosen tuning is very low (which has tradeoffs, as any other choice in life). Do both excursion curves, "peak" and "waveform based", exceed Xlim?
[Disclaimer - the following is tentative and open to correction by others, I ain't no expert nor do I play one on TV and I certainly don't want you to blow speakers because of my bad advice!]
If it's only the former it should just mean the fundamental can't exceed 200 watts, but for that to happen the total signal should be significantly over 200W. If it's also the latter (Mr. Deck's approximation of a real world signal input), yeah, no, I wouldn't do it! Your amp might already have built-in high pass filtering, but if it hasn't, go order an HPF unit, again by
AFAI've read, yes, you could put a port on the front and one on the back. Port placement matters in some, specific, respects. E.g. if on the back, you need some inches of clearance, like one port diameter or such, from a wall or other obstructions (optimally there should be about the same clearance at the inside end of the duct, between the opening and the surface directly facing it); if you can see the cone from the outside it means some midrange can escape the port and influence the tone in ways difficult to predict, so you might want to avoid it; if the port is close to a cab surface it lowers predicted tuning so the tuning should be checked after and length shortened accordingly - basically my advice is: make port ducts equal in width and length (dissimilar ducts can and are used for specific reasons - but by people who know what they're doing...) and their placement similar as far as distance from corners and so on.
(Another suggestion, one that I'm shamelessly parroting, just as everything else in this post, might be to use port placement as ways to improve cooling of the drivers, by putting one on the bottom and one on the top. Probably not vital though.)
EDIT: as far as (what I'd interpreted as) Xlim, the .pdf reads:
SPE-B9 (-) Max Mech.Amplitude (±mm) 10,25