The tone capsule is a god-level preamp! Let me explain.
My Helix has the Darkglass B7K Ultra pedal (Obsidian) with bass, low mid, and high mid EQ nearly the same as the Tone Capsule’s EQ frequencies. Yet playing with the dials my sound is sterile compared to equivalent settings on my TC. The TC just has a depth and warmth that the helix misses. I run my Obsidian EQ pretty flat, and adjust my onboard TC to get a great tone.
My Helix has the Darkglass B7K Ultra pedal (Obsidian) with bass, low mid, and high mid EQ nearly the same as the Tone Capsule’s EQ frequencies. Yet playing with the dials my sound is sterile compared to equivalent settings on my TC. The TC just has a depth and warmth that the helix misses. I run my Obsidian EQ pretty flat, and adjust my onboard TC to get a great tone.